Johnsano Courier Services cc

Johnsano Courier Services cc

Air Freight * Sea Freight * Cargo Freight

Who We Are

We are dynamic, efficient and flexible. Our main business scope is to provide a range of services for import and export of cargoes in and out of South Africa. We treat every shipment as a highly individualised experience where-in your cargo moves swiftly, directly from your facility to the airlines dock and straight to the destination.

Our freight services has grown from only parcels to container volumetric cargoes. We operate precisely from South Africa to West Africa

Johnsano Truck

Our Services

Air Freight

Air Freight

Road Freight

Road Freight

Ship Freight

Ship Freight

Rail Freight

Rail Freight

Cargo Warehouse

Cargo Warehouse

Cargo Warehouse

Tourism Services


How long does it take?

Road Freight: From 2 days depending on destination

Air freight: 3-5 days

Ship freight: 29 days

Do you work on weekends?
Yes, from 9am-12pm
What is the mode of payment, on point of origin or destination?
What are the Customs procedures.
We do clearing making it easy for our clients
Do you transport perishable goods?
No we don’t

Contact Us